I debated on purchasing them online and having them printed, but quickly found that out of my price range. I wanted that same look but was convinced with a little DIY, I could pull it off.
I needed 24 invitations, but wanted a few to spare. I first checked out Target. I found some I liked, but with a Michael's 40% off coupon in my pocket, I had to check there before I made my final decision.
Once in Michael's I scanned the wedding isle until BINGO, I spotted just want I wanted. I found a set of 50, blue wedding invitations. I was elated because they matched her wedding colors. I did another silent cheer to myself when I realized the bride could use the response cards and envelopes as thank-you notes for all her bridal gifts. Don't hang up yet, the story gets better.
As I walked to the check out lane, I probably looked like a kid in a candy store. I was so excited to find exactly what I wanted, with the added thank-yous included. I couldn't wait to whip out my coupon and watch the savings flash before my eyes. I waited patiently as a sweet elderly lady was checking out. She turned to me and said, "Could you use a 50% off coupon, it expires today?" I said, "Yes, thank you so much." The bells in my head went off as the adrenaline surged through my veins. The lights began to flash, did I just win a car on the Price Is Right? Call me a nerd, I know.
I couldn't wait to show my husband the cute invitations and the receipt that revealed all savings. Grand total: $13.26
Here's what I had to work with: