That title accurately describes our weekend. And a fun one it was.
Before I go into detail about our weekend, I must say Thank You to all 11 of you who voted on my last
post. Funny thing is, my blog counter showed over 40 people clicked on the link, yet only 11 of you voted!? I can't see who votes for what, I just see the breakdown of votes. So come on friends, if you consider yourself a regular reader and didn't vote yet,
click here.
Now back to the regular scheduled programing: Our weekend.
Friday night we went out to eat (as always) and JD just had to see Due Date. Anyone else see it? It was okay, I give it a C. Not my type of humor but we oh well. Last movie, we bought skittles and a soda and payed over $8.00! Ripe off? I think so. JD vowed to never buy snacks at the movies again and instead sneak in our own. So we made a pit stop at Rite Aid to stock up.
Saturday we went to Georgetown. It was a beautiful, crisp day for shopping and enjoying our first ever Georgetown cupcake. Would you believe we had to wait in line for 40 minutes!? Call us crazy but I've been dying to try one of those. If you don't know what I'm talking about, it's the cupcake shop owned by 2 sisters that now have a reality show on TLC called
DC Cupcakes. We even saw the TV crew filing while we were there. Pretty neat.
We waited so long, we thought we might as well stock up. 2 peanut-butter fudge, 1 salted caramel, 1 vanilla, 1 pumpkin spice, and 1 coconut. They seriously are so good and worth the wait and money.
We also did some shopping. We both got some things. Oh and these cool letters from urban outfitters. Not sure what to do with them yet. I whipped out my camera in J.Crew to snap a photo. If you know JD, he is not a fan of picture taking and I like to take a lot of photos. Thanks for being a good sport.
We then watched
A Body of Lies starring Russel Crow and Leonardo Dicaprio. I have one word for this movie: Intense. Although intense it was good. I did have to cover my eyes for some parts and ask a million questions to know what was going on. Following movies has never been my expertise.
Sunday was all work and no play. I spent 2 hours grading papers and then about 4 applying for grad school and writing essay #1 of 2. JD had to be at work at 8am and it now 8pm, and he is still not home. Boo.
What did you all do this weekend?