Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Few Things

Wow! Today I just hit a big milestone for the bloggy-blog. This is post number 100! I started this blog blindly about two years ago. I knew/know very little about blogging and continue to learn as I go. I just want to say how thankful I am for all my faithful readers. Without you, I wouldn't have a reason to blog. I am thrilled with the little community we've started here at High Style on a Small Budget. Your comments mean the world to me, they seriously makes me feel like this...
As if I'm not busy enough already, I am going to grad school. In all honesty, I am thrilled about getting my masters and becoming a student once again, but I am bit nervous about how I will fit a full-time job, at-home grading, grad class work, and blogging all into my schedule. Trust me, I will do my VERY best to get the posts coming your way but appreciate your patience beforehand. I am attending Johns Hopkins University. Wohooo!

Last week I posted a status on facebook saying, "got a very exciting phone call today. If everything works out, I can share the details." Some of you have been asking me, sooooo what is the news?? I was expecting to hear from that special someone this week but have not. So I'm not sure if that something exciting is going to happen after all. I am still hopeful and will share the details as soon as I can. And for all of you wondering, no, I'm not pregnant. 

Lastly, I will leave you with a recipe. This one is not so healthy but is one our favorites. When it's cold outside and I just want a good meal, I pull out my Cheeseburger Mac and Cheese recipe. Thanks again  Rachael Ray!
 Enjoy your weekend!

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