Friday, July 29, 2011

Ready for a quiz?

It's crazy for me to think I started this blog 2 years ago. Before then, I knew nothing about the blogging world. Blogging allows me to capture our lives and also share them with you. Just this week I was rereading posts from last year and either laughing, reminiscing, or saying, "oh boy that was nerdy." It's a place to store memories and share inspiration. You should start one. I dare you.

Since blogging can be a bit one-sided, I want to know more about you! I do read all of your comments [which I totally love and read with excitement] and love hearing from you. So keep em' coming!

Anyway....remember at the beginning of this year, I hosted a reader's survey [found here]. A lot of you were hesitant and did not participate. So, I made it MUCH easier. It's multiple choice and only 6 questions. So come on, join the fun. Be sure to include any questions you have for me or my gamer hubby. Can be blog related or not. I'll be back after vacation to to share the results.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.

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