Thursday, September 30, 2010

Meet Aubrey

Back in this post I introduced you to my sister-in-law Katie and showed you the nursery wall art I made for my soon-to-be niece.

Well I am happy to announce our little niece has arrived and is cute as good could be. Aubrey Hessen was born on August 25th weighing in at 8 pounds 5 ounces.Aubrey is my brother's second child and they are now a beautiful family of four. Tommy and Katie are such dedicated and caring parents. JD and I have always been close to them and are so blessed to have them in our lives. They always go through every major milestone in life before us and have a lot of helpful advice and counsel to offer.
Little T is now a big brother (just 15 months older) and loves his little sister.
I absolutely love Aubrey's nursery. It's calming and purple--my favorite color.
Here is the wall art I made:Today is my brother's birthday. Happy Birthday Tommy! You are a great brother, dad, husband, and son. Thank you for always being there for us.

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! The nursery is beautiful and your art looks perfect in there! Nice work Mollie :)
